“Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos.”- Snoopy

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My Message in a Bottle

Archive: 6/30/2010

There are some things that you just have to take as-is and let go. Because if you begin unravel it and try to analyze it, it's simply not going to make any sense. And because of your inability to rationalize, you're going to feel confused, angry, and disappointed. As a matter of fact, you're probably going to feel disappointed regardless. So the most effective course of action is also the most necessary, yet counter-intuitive one-- deactivating all present self-defense mechanisms and move on. The focus is then shifted to the betterment of the individual, not the situation. And from this mental shift results development, leaving behind what once reminded you most about yourself and the person who once completed you.
