Archive: 8/2/2010
After about a month and a half since my last visit, this past weekend marked the return of debauchery at it's best-- Vegas trip.
My last visit was for my 21st birthday. While I can't totally say that it lived up to every bits of its expectations, I think it is fair to say that I survived with flying colors. That's not to say that I didn't need four Powerades to last me through the weekend, and that the second day didn't involve in my feeling absolutely miserable. Either way, I would say that I handled myself quite well.
This time was different.

To give you the basic summary of what happened without embarrassing myself too much (too late,) let's say that I pumped my veins with alcohol until I reached the ends of oblivion. After clubbing at Tao (it was fun, from what I remembered-- running into dancers as well as well as others,) I decided to go gambling. Now, I was doing pretty well at first but this is when it all became hazy. According to my very fragmented memory and my friends' recollection, things that happened included:
1. Coming back to the hotel room to grab more cash;
2. Getting kicked off the roulette table because I spilled beer and was unresponsive to questions. I'm going to guess that I transformed into my elementary, fob state.
4. Getting lost in my hotel (friends have a theory that I was in another hotel...)
5. Proceeded to get really angry (absolutely furious)while walking around in the halls; yelled on the phone (Batman voice), "Where the fuck am I?" while calling my friends every 5 minutes-- they were searching for clues as to where I was. Apparently through the phone, they could hear angry people yelling, "Shut the fuck up! You're waking people up!"
6. Punched a bunch of things... My right knuckles still hurt.
When Simon finally found me, I was in front of the ATM despite the fact that I had 200 dollars in my pocket. I think I'm going to stop talking about what happened and get to the conclusion because I'm literally cringing in my seat as I type.
What happened that night scares me. While reading these events might bring a few chuckles and disapproving head shakes even from myself, I can't help but to wonder, "what could have happened?" I had to check my bank account the next day to make sure I didn't do anything (too) stupid. I never want to have that feeling again. It's simple to dismiss this episode by summing it up as, "Vegas," but if you know me, it's not the type of person that I am. I believe that there are lessons to be learned, and unless you take them in, something worse is just going to happen along the same lines to reiterate them.
I am a person of balance. During the weekdays, I'm a publicity intern who does what he's asked and is hungry for more work. I don't think the proper counter-balance would be to go apeshit like I did this past weekend. I've had a reoccurring feeling that my life is spiraling out of control, an emotion that is a mixed cocktail of forced maturation, helplessness, and loneliness. While I certainly don't see this as hopeless by any standards, it's fair to say that there are a fair amount of things that I'd like to fix in my life.
In closing, I wanted to thank my friends for being patient during that particular episode-- especially Simon who dragged me back from the "Beyond" section of Bed Bath & Beyond. (It was a dark place.) Hopefully my misery the next day, both physically and mentally, can be a token of repayment somehow.

TL;DR- Alan blacked out at Vegas; sees it as a warning sign and wants to reevaluate life